For those of you who are on Facebook, you have seen that I met a random friend this past week. This world really IS small. So, here's what happened... I was walking back to the clubhouse and someone shouted out, "patrick!". I looked and the guy looked familiar but couldn't tell who it was. Then, I made the connection, it was my Chinese friend from Atlanta who was born in Korea and opened a Japanese Hibachi and Sushi restaurant. He used to come up and play Windermere all the time and I used to go down and have sushi at his sushi bar with friends after work. I couldn't believe it. Here is George's restaurant... if you like sushi, he has some of the best in Atlanta:
Ichiban. You have to try their Yami Yami roll :)
My partner, Jim, used to teach a nine year old boy here in Beijing. His dad decided to move to Atlanta because it would allow him a better place to practice and learn. While in Atlanta, he met my friend George and this time brought him back to Beijing with him... crazy world we live in!
Just the other day, my partner introduced me to someone else. He is a local whose dad was a General in Mao's Army. We began talking and he noticed the logo on my shirt. The logo was of Windermere, the club I used to manage in Atlanta. He said he played it and has a brother in Atlanta. Each year I am here I make more Chinese friends who have connections with Atlanta. I still don't know what to do with this?
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